"Think big" means to do things at a high level, have vision, be successful, strive for excellence, and dream.
"Act small" is all about relationships, connecting, and staying humble; it's also about being able to do the little things that support your vision and to lay out the plan step-by-step.
"Fail fast" is all about being willing to take some risks. If what you try blows up, then learn from it and move on. And you're going to fail! If you haven't failed at something, you haven't swung hard enough, you haven't taken any chances. Raise the bar a little higher.
"Teach" If you're not sharing what you learn, then you're not really helping the business you're running. But you also can't be an effective leader, and teach effectively, if you're not in a constant learning mode, so "learn" is a subset of "teach."